Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Kitchen and cupboards

Been a while but building the kitchen unit was easy enough but the tall units for the Fridge wardrobe etc was (is) fun ..........not!
Angles and narrowing of the van towards the back have been a pain but nearly there. I have bought Tambour Doors for the cupboard next to the oven, for the rear access cupboard and the one above the fridge, expensive but weigh nothing compared to using the panels! and being sliding no banged heads or trying to get around them etc as you would have to do with standard doors!

So below are the units thus far !

The Loo will be partly covered and a unit will be built above for toiletries and box in the electrics. The cupboard door will swing out to give a modicum of privacy! Porta Potti do a floor bracket for this model so it is secure as is but can be easily lifted out if needed. But it can be used in situ !

The carpeted wall behind the kitchen unti will be sorted last as we haven't made our minds up what to put there, maybe coloured perspex or clear so we can fill it up with photos from our meanderings!

Sunday, 14 May 2017

Bit more work on the cupboards

Getting there just got a couple of "pelmets" to do to cover the roller on the Tambour doors. Weight saving allows a bit more drawer space over standard cupboard doors.