When leaving campervan for several months with little if any use:
Dead as a dodo! 8v left wondered what was going on, and a minor panic as doorlocks weren't locking the whole vehicle etc. This is similar to prior issues with the whole vehicle shutting down electrically back in March/ April!
Only casualty is the fuse for the radio ( I hope lol) but can't roll around in the passenger footwell to get at fuses because of injury ! It's a 25 amp apparently so should be easy to find............. except this is VW we're talking about and replacing main fuse panel in the middle, under the gear lever assembly, have screws to remove, then if it's a fuse below the small access panel under the dash, it should be a on the main panel so should be able to identify easy, if not it'll take a very clever baby with small hands to reach the fuse or remove the entire consul !
Thanks VW 🙄 not!
Bare in mind VAG will not even look for you, but it'll cost you about £150 to drive it into the garage!
There is no official wiring diagram for customers to use! So it's forums or YouTube folks!
🤞It's just the fuse!
02/08 pm
Fuses to radio OK But still no radio! Will have to pull it out check wiring!
The vehicle can't be locked with fob! And the safestart has switched itself off and can't be turned on via the B post switch.
Key fobs re synced to vehicle no joy.
Awaiting replies from T6 forum had one, a lecture about the safestart only being a warning duh I know that! Wasn't the problem is can't lock van with fob only manually and can't open the rear hatch unless I remove the panel and manually open from inside, it'll wait!
Gotta love T6 electrics and total lack of reliability these days! NOT