Sunday, 29 August 2021

solar panels

As the current main battery is not quite right! I need to keep it charged along with its not used daily etc.
So ordered an AA solar panel (reviews gave it 9.7) that can be wired direct to battery unplugged if not in use etc. Good reviews etc. So when van parked up for week or so I can use the panel to keep battery topped up!

The rear roof panel takes care of the liesure battery!

Friday, 27 August 2021


Main battery seems to be draining. Oh bliss!
12.5 3 days 12.1 nothing should be draining it!
Leisure battery system only has an ignition live connection! 
So; be disconnected the liesure battery and monitor it, took the van for a 12 mile drive back upto 12.5.
Monitor it over next few days!

Saturday, 21 August 2021

Electrics finally

Sorted !
Various oddities that were uncovered !
One my fault reinserted a fuse one place down, my excuse lying on my back working with torch between front seat and dash! Days of easy access fuse box gone forever! 
Main hassle was duff info from "specialist" forum !
Foxtec Southampton specialise in auto electrics, so I'll believe them, a family run and established garage! 
1) Jump starting the battery is to be         avoided!
2) Fitting new battery HAS to be re programmed on fitting! 

Which is why electrics went haywire!

Monday, 16 August 2021

Electrics surrender!

No further forward but managed to find a company that specialises in German vehicles 7 miles away
 When I explained they were more than happy to take it on! Where others I tried ran a mile! Booked in for Wednesday 18/08 heres hoping ! 
Foxtec Southampton

Let's hope nothing expensive 🤔

Tuesday, 10 August 2021

Electrics +

Disconnected battery again to re do reset! To access a fuse box below battery I've got to remove battery anyway.
This fuse box isn't listed in owners manual found out about it on T6 forum! 
If the fuse is blown I there could be a problem as nearly all the fuses are large and not usually held at garages or the likes of Halfords.

Thursday, 5 August 2021


Over  night disconnection of battery was fine!
Fob still not opening the vehicle but radio is back! 

Carista reader arrived today so will plug in tomorrow see what's going on. £25 on Amazon far cheaper than VW £150 to have a look!
This way I can post my finding on forum, or be able to sort it myself! Or at the least find an independent vehicle electrician with details with fault?

Tuesday, 3 August 2021

Possible reasons for electrical issues

T6 forum done it's job hopefully.
Seems that the issues I have with the electrics is fairly common. 
Battery voltage gets low problems start, things shut down I guess to protect other necessary electrics.
And the possible cure goes against the recommendations ! Or VW conning you lol.
Seems it is OK to disconnect the main battery altogether! Sure you'll have to reset clocks etc and possibly windows, easy enough!

In a nutshell when battery fully charged, disconnect over night. Next day touch the two leads together for 10 seconds then reconnect this resets any lingering  "memories" 

Link to info:

Monday, 2 August 2021

Note to self:

When leaving campervan for several months with little if any use:
Dead as a dodo! 8v left wondered what was going on, and a minor panic as doorlocks weren't locking the whole vehicle etc. This is similar to prior issues with the whole vehicle shutting down electrically back in March/ April! 
Only casualty is the fuse for the radio ( I hope lol) but can't roll around in the passenger footwell to get at fuses because of injury ! It's a 25 amp apparently so should be easy to find............. except this is VW we're talking about and replacing main fuse panel in the middle, under the gear lever assembly, have screws to remove, then if it's a fuse below the small access panel under the dash, it should be a on the main panel so should be able to identify easy, if not it'll take a very clever baby with small hands to reach the fuse or remove the entire consul !
Thanks VW 🙄 not! 
Bare in mind VAG  will not even look for you, but it'll cost you about £150 to drive it into the garage!
There is no official wiring diagram for customers to use! So it's forums or YouTube folks!

🤞It's just the fuse!

02/08 pm
Fuses to radio OK But still no radio! Will have to pull it out check wiring!

The vehicle can't be locked with fob! And the safestart has switched itself off and can't be turned on via the B post switch.
Key fobs re synced to vehicle no joy.

Awaiting replies from T6 forum had one, a lecture about the safestart only being a warning duh I know that! Wasn't the problem is can't lock van with fob only manually and can't open the rear hatch unless I remove the panel and manually open from inside, it'll wait!  

Gotta love T6 electrics and total lack of reliability these days!    NOT